
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Please Do Not Ring the Door Bell.

Please Do Not Ring the Door Bell.
An open letter to the lost ones of the Connecticut elementary school shooting.
By Julian Mack

Sign posted on the door of Sandy Hook Elementary School Student, Aiden.
I woke up this morning with a heavy heart, thinking about the 20 innocent students and 6 teachers that were killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.  When I heard the horrific news on Friday morning, December 14, 2012, like the rest of the world, I was shocked and at a lost for words that an event so unfathomable would take place and of all places, at an elementary school.  When I turned on the television this morning to hear the stories of those lost during this tragic event, I learned about Aiden, a six-year-old student of Victoria Soto’s, the 27 years-young first grade teacher and hero, who allegedly hid her students in closets and cabinets when the gunman-who shall remain unnamed and not remembered as a historic figure- approached her classroom and was shot and killed.  It was also said, though I can not confirm at this time, that Soto saved ALL of her students.

According to Aiden’s parent’s CNN interview, they had to post a sign on their door that reads “Please Do Not Ring the Door Bell,”  because this innocent six-year-old angel is still processing and trying to internalize what has taken place and is afraid that when someone rings the door bell that it is the gunman still out to harm him.  Aiden is asking his parents if there are any more “bad guys” out there and they have the unfortunate task of reassuring him that he is safe, but don’t know how to answer his question.

Then there is 6-year-old Emilie Parker, who we unfortunately lost during this tragic event.  My heart goes out to Emilie’s family and particularly her Father, Robbie Parker, who in a press statement, thanked everyone for their condolences and was able to offer his own to those who are suffering, and did the honorable thing of including those of the gunman’s family.  

My heart is broken because I have a six year old niece, who is the same age as Aiden and Emilie and I can’t imagine having to answer such a question for her.  My niece is developing a personality and becoming a young woman right before my eyes, she is inquisitive and growing and learning.  Luckily for her, she can hang on to her innocence for a while longer, but those in Newtown, Connecticut was stripped of such a luxury-when this should not be a luxury at all

Now is not the time for a bipartisan debate about gun control, now is the time the remember those that we lost.  But in due time, that conversation is absolutely necessary.

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